Duck Summer is the story of my journey through renal failure and subsequent six-year stint on hemodialysis. Focusing primarily on the events and incidents occurring while undergoing the treatments, Duck Summer explores the experiences of the dialysis patient, including the navigation through the hospital maze, adjusting to dialysis centers and the staff, and trying to understand health management options, all while struggling to cope with the emotional and psychological demands of ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease).
Duck Summer is a response to people who have limited knowledge of the broad ramifications of kidney failure and its consequent treatment. As it provides information on some of the many complexities of being a dialysis patient, it also describes the potential toll kidney failure takes on the whole person. Ultimately, the memoir paints a vivid picture of the critical need for organ donation.
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Duck Summer is the story of my journey through renal failure and subsequent six-year stint on hemodialysis. Focusing primarily on the events and incidents occurring while undergoing the treatments, Duck Summer explores the experiences of the dialysis patient, including the navigation through the hospital maze, adjusting to dialysis centers and the staff, and trying to understand health management options, all while struggling to cope with the emotional and psychological demands of ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease).
Duck Summer is a response to people who have limited knowledge of the broad ramifications of kidney failure and its consequent treatment. As it provides information on some of the many complexities of being a dialysis patient, it also describes the potential toll kidney failure takes on the whole person. Ultimately, the memoir paints a vivid picture of the critical need for organ donation.